Cockroaches are considered among the most primitive insects on the planet. Fossil evidence suggests that even cavemen had to deal with cockroach infestations.
Contrary to popular belief, cockroaches can not survive a nuclear explosion, this is a myth however they would be able to survive radiation dose 10 time higher than those that would be lethal to humans. Interestingly, they can live for at least a week without their heads! This is because unlike us, they dont need their mouths to breathe
They discovered that although cockroaches were able to survive radiation doses 10 times higher than those that would be lethal to humans, they can't actually survive a nuclear explosion as none of the crawling insects survived radiation levels of 100,000 rads.
They can, however, live for at least a week without their heads! Unlike us, they don't need their mouths to breathe: instead, they use spiracles (tiny holes) in their body to inhale and transport oxygen.
Like rats and mice, cockroaches are able to fit through tiny gaps, sometimes as small as a quarter of their body size. They flatten their incredible exoskeletons in order to do this: check out this brilliant video from National Geographic.