Pest Life-Cycle

Rats are known to carry many diseases that are infectious to humans via their urine or when they come into contact with food preparation surfaces, they pose a direct health risk to humans and should be dealt with immediately. Infamous for their gnawing habits , Rats can easily chew through pipes and electrical wires which can lead to floods and fires.

Not to be confused with Rats, Mice are also a common pest in the UK that can be a burden in households as well as business. Mice carry a lot of dirt and bacteria around with them and are known to transmit harmful diseases to humans, such as salmonella.

Cockroaches are known to carry pathogens which cause diseases thus meaning they are directly harmful to human life. They contaminate everything they come into contact with and can easily ruin the reputation of a business. It is essential to eradicate pests from your home or business.

Bedbugs can be very irritating as they are known to bite. Bedbugs affect everyone differently, some people develop red marks and swelling as well as itchiness, whilst others receive no ill-symptoms from these bites. Nonetheless, bedbugs can be a nuisance for both homeowners and businessowners,

When ants begin to infest homes and attack people in public spaces, they fall into the category of a nuisance pest. Some species can be a public health problem and can also short circuit electrical components enough to cause dangerous fires.

Wasps only attack when they feel threatened however these stings can be quite painful and even on some rare occasions; fatal. Wasp's nests can actually be beneficial to a garden's wildlife as they feed their offspring on insects, this can help to reduce pest populations overall.

Although fleas do not commonly spread disease they can be a nuisance to both pests and humans due to their biting tendencies. Infections can be caused if excessive scratching is left untreated.

Not often noticed as they are barely visible to the naked eye, mites are known to cause diseases such as asthma and scabies and can also contaminate food stuffs. Mites should be removed with quality care such as the type that we provide at PestecUK.